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Wszystkie tłumaczenia

Wszystkie tłumaczenia - Justuke

Język źródłowy
Język docelowy

Wyniki 1 - 8 spośród około 8
Język źródłowy
Angielski In all societies, relations between people are...
In all societies, relations between people are regulated by prescriptive laws. Some of them are customs - that is, informal rules of social and moral behavior. Some are rules we accept, if we belong to particular social institutions, such as religious, educational and cultural groups. And some are precise laws made by natios and enforced against all citizens within their power.

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Litewski Visuose bendruomenėse, žmonių tarpusavio santykiai yra...
Język źródłowy
Angielski You are a police officier.You have stopped a...
You are a police officier.You have stopped a drive for overspeedin.You are talking with this driver and will charge him/her whith an offence under the Road Traffic Act.
1.greet the driver and inroduce yourself:
2.ask whose vehicle this is:
3.ask for a driving licence and enquire how fast he was driving:
4.inform about the effects of overspeeding.
5.ask about the effect of overspeeding.
6.inform the driver about fine:
7.wish a good and safe journey home.
dialogas. reiktų aiškaus vertimo.

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Litewski Tu esi policininkas. Tu sustabdei
Język źródłowy
Angielski to learn a language well, you need to do more...
to learn a language well, you need to do more than just go to class - there are several strategies you can use to develop your reading, writing, listening speaking skills.

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Litewski Norint gerai i6mokti kalb1, reikia padaryti daugiau...
Język źródłowy
Turecki Bana Göstermiş olduğun ilgi ve alaka için çok...
Bana Göstermiş olduğun ilgi ve alaka için çok teşekkür ederim... Seni tanıdıkça ne kadar güzel bir kalbin olduğunun farkına vardım.Seni asla unutmayacağım.Hayatta Herşey istediğin gibi olur umarım.. Arkadaşın xxxx

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Angielski Thank you for the interest and closeness you show to me.
Litewski Ačiū už susidomėjimą ir artumą, kurį parodei
Język źródłowy
Angielski Customs need not be made by governments, and they...
Customs need not be made by governments, and they need not be written down. We learn how we are expected to behave in society through the instruction of family and teachers, the advice of friends, and our experiences in dealing with strangers.Sometimes, we can break these rules without suffering any penalty. But if we continually break the rules, or break a very important one, other members of society may ridicule us, criticize us, act violently toward us or refuse to have anything to do with us

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Litewski papročiai neturi būti nustatyti valdžios...
Język źródłowy
Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie".
Angielski Yet another administrative message for request removal
Your translation request was removed for having violated the rule(s) reproduced below, which you agreed to when submitting your text on the [link=t_b_][b]proper page[/b][/link]:


Best regards,
As long as the submission rules have changed, administrative messages have to change accordingly.

Note that the word "rule(s)" has an optional plural mark. That is because the requester could have violated more than one rule. In English, only that optional plural mark is needed. In your language, however, additional plural marks may be needed (on adjectives, verbs, etc.), so please put as many optional plural marks as it needs to make sense.

Please let [link=t_b_][b] and [/b][/link] marks as is, BUT DON'T FORGET TO TRANSLATE THE TEXT BETWEEN THEM! ;)


Thanks! :)

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Serbski Još jedna poruka admina za uklanjanje prevoda
Szwedzki Ännu ett administrativt meddelande angående begäran om borttagning
Norweski Enda en administrativ melding angående fjerning av oversettelser
Portugalski Ainda outra mensagem administrativa para remoção de pedido
Włoski Un altro messaggio amministrativo per le richieste di rimozione
Francuski Encore un autre message administratif pour une demande de suppression
Hiszpański Otro mensaje para rechazar una solicitud de traducción
Węgierski Eltávolítás
Turecki Talep kaldırılmasıyla ilgili başka bir yönetici mesajı
Arabski رسالة إداريّة أخرى لطلب إلغاء
Holenderski Alweer een van die administratieve berichten voor verzoeksverwijdering
Duński Endnu en administrativ meddelelse om fjernelse af oversættelse
Japoński 削除された依頼文用のもう一つの管理メッセージ
Polski jeszcze jedna wiadomość administracyjna o usunięciu prośby
Hebrajski הסרת בקשה
Rumuński ÃŽncă un mesaj administrativ pentru înlăturarea cererilor de traducere
Bułgarski Още едно административно съобщение за премахване на заявка
Grecki Άλλο ένα μήνυμα της διαχείρισης για αφαίρεση ζητούμενης μετάφρασης
Chorwacki Još jedna administrativna poruka za uklanjanje prevoda
Rosyjski Административное сообщение по удалению запроса
Fiński Taas yksi ylläpidon viesti käännöspyynnön poistosta
Niemiecki Eine weitere administrative Nachricht wegen Löschung der Anfrage
Albański Edhe një mesazh tjetër administrativ për eliminimin e kërkesës suaj për përkthim
Chiński uproszczony 来自管理员的翻译请求删除信息
Czeski Ještě jeden administrativní vzkaz týkající se odstranění dotazu
Słowacki DalÅ¡i administratívny odkazpre vyžiadanie odstránenia
Litewski dar viena administratoriaus žinutė dėl panaikinto prašymo
Estoński Veel üks administratiivne teade soovi ärandamise kohta
Język źródłowy
Angielski Are we still friends?I want to believe we are,...
Are we still friends?I want to believe we are, because you are very important person in my life, and i want to save the relationships. But it looks like you don't want to be friends. Every time i ask something personal, you became angry or start ignoring me. I don't want to be loved because of pressure, i am not trying to take you back, because two people needs to feel the same to be together. I just want to be friends and feel free to say anything, even if it is just bullsheds.

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Bułgarski Все още ли сме приятели?